Teething: What to Offer to Relieve Pain

Teething is an important milestone in a baby’s development, but it can be a challenging period for both the child and the parents. The emergence of the first teeth typically occurs between six months and a year of age and can be accompanied by pain and discomfort. This article explores different methods and products that can help relieve teething pain.


Teethers are one of the most common and effective methods to relieve teething pain. They provide a safe surface for the baby to bite, which helps alleviate pressure on the gums.

• Silicone Teethers: Soft and flexible, providing gentle relief.
• Refrigerated Teethers: Can be placed in the refrigerator for a cooling relief.
• Fabric Teethers: Can be moistened and chilled for an extra cooling effect.

Gum Massage

Using a clean finger to gently massage the baby’s gums can provide relief. Ensure that your hands and nails are clean and smooth to avoid further irritating the gums.

Cold Foods

For babies who have started on solid foods, offering cold foods can help alleviate pain. Foods like chilled fruit pieces in a mesh feeder can be a safe option.

Cold Cloths

A clean, cold cloth for the baby to bite on can also offer relief. Ensure the cloth doesn’t shed fibers and is always under supervision to prevent choking risks.


In some cases, a pediatrician may recommend medications to relieve pain and inflammation. It’s crucial to follow the doctor’s instructions and never administer medications without their recommendation.

Gels and Ointments

There are specific teething gels and ointments available on the market. However, it’s important to talk to a pediatrician before using these products, as some may contain ingredients that are not safe for babies.

Avoid Hard Objects

Avoid offering the baby hard objects to bite, as they can harm the gums or pose choking hazards.

Keep the Chin Dry

Excessive drooling is common during teething. Keeping the baby’s chin dry can help prevent skin irritations.

Offer Extra Comfort

The discomfort of teething can make the baby more irritable or fussy. Offering extra comfort, such as cuddles and affection, can help soothe them.

Watch for Signs of Bigger Problems

While teething can cause discomfort, it generally does not cause high fever or diarrhea. If the baby exhibits these symptoms or if the discomfort seems extreme, it’s important to seek medical guidance.


Teething is a natural phase of child development, but it can bring discomfort to the baby. Using safe and effective methods to alleviate pain, such as teethers, gum massage, and cold foods, can help make this period more bearable for the child and the parents.


The information presented in this article is purely informative and intended to provide general guidelines on how to alleviate teething pain. This article is not intended to replace professional guidance, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s teething, it is essential to seek the guidance of a health professional. No information in this article can replace the knowledge and judgment of a health professional.

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